Livros e capítulos de livros


  1. Teodoro, A. (Ed.). (2022). Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives. Routledge.
  2. Teodoro, A. (Ed.). (2022, em edição). Uma história de sucesso? Portugal e o PISA (2000-2018). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.


  1. Carita, A., Lopo, T. T., & Teodoro, V. D. (2022). PISA in the media discourse: Prominence, tone, voices and meanings.  In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 142-168). Routledge.
  2. Cordeiro, C. D., & Teodoro, V. D. (2022). How PISA is present in the scientific production: A bibliometric review. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 25-47). Routledge.
  3. Estrela, E. (2019). The two faces of the same coin: National and individual refraction in curriculum policies in Portugal. In G. McCulloch, I. Goodson, & M. G. Delgado (Eds.), Transnational perspectives on curriculum history. Abingdon: Routledge.
  4. Estrela, E. (2020). O movimento da política baseada em evidências e a sua influência nas políticas curriculares portuguesas. In M. González-Delgado, M. F. Lorenzo, & C. Machado-Trujillo (Eds.),  Transferencia, transnacionalización y transformación de las políticas educativas, 1945-2018 (pp. 293-298). Salamanca: FahrenHouse.
  5. Estrela, E. (2022, forthcoming). Curriculum as the fluid for times of unsureness: In between the solid and the liquid. In P. Trifonas, & S. Jagger (Eds.), International handbooks of education. Handbook of curriculum theory and research. Springer.
  6. Lopo, T. T. (2020). Thinks tanks portugueses e a sua influência na decisão política sobre educação. In M. González-Delgado, M. F. Lorenzo, & C. Machado-Trujillo (Eds.), Transferencia, transnacionalización y transformación de las políticas educativas, 1945-2018 (pp.307-314). Salamanca: FahrenHouse.
  7. Maia, J. S., Mascarenhas, D., & Rosa, V. (2022). TALIS 2018: A comparison between seven European mediterranean countries. In M, Cruz, A. Couto, & F. Lambert (Eds.), Issues’22 – Issues in education (pp. 7-27). Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Escola Superior de Educação.
  8. Neto, J. L. H. (2022). Pisa and the curricular reforms in Brazil: The influence of a powerful regulatory instrument. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 70-103). Routledge.
  9. Rosa, V. (2020). PISA, big data e industrialização da educação. In M. González-Delgado, M. F. Lorenzo, & C. Machado-Trujillo (Eds.), Transferencia, transnacionalización y transformación de las políticas educativas, 1945-2018 (pp. 299-305). Salamanca: FahrenHouse.
  10. Rosa, V. (2021). A participação portuguesa no inquérito internacional PIRLS (2011-2016). In T. Martínez, S. García, M. Almenara, & J. Campos (Eds), Estudios sobre innovación e investigación educativa (pp. 55-67). Editorial Dykinson.
  11. Rosa, V. (2022). International large-scale assessment: Issues from Portugal’s participation in TIMSS, PIRLS and ICILS. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 126-141). Routledge.
  12. Rosa, V., & Araújo, A. L. (2022). OECD and education: How PISA is becoming a ‘Big Science’ project. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp.169-179). Routledge.
  13. Teodoro, A. (2020). A OCDE e o sonho de uma governação mundial da educação. Pressupostos e análise crítica. In M. González-Delgado, M. F. Lorenzo, & C. Machado-Trujillo (Eds.), Transferencia, transnacionalización y transformación de las políticas educativas, 1945-2018 (pp.285-291). Salamanca: FahrenHouse.
  14. Teodoro, A. (2022). Introduction: A success story? Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 1-10). Routledge.
  15. Teodoro, A. (2022). Conclusion: Limitations and risks of an OECD global governance project. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp.180-197). Routledge.
  16. Teodoro, V. D., Rosa, V., Maia, J. S., & Mascarenhas, D. (2022). Testing PISA tests: A study about how secondary and college students answer PISA items in mathematics and science. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical perspectives on PISA as a means of global governance. Risks, limitations, and humanistic alternatives (pp. 104-125). Routledge.