NEW: Conference A success story? Portugal and the PISA (2000-2018) | 16th February 2022
16th February 2022
This conference will be broadcasted online, via Zoom. The expression of interest in participating should be made to indicating the name, institutional affiliation and contacts (e-mail and telephone). Reservations will be made in order of registration until the maximum capacity of the platform is filled.
09.00 Reception of participants
09.30 Opening session: from the origins of PISA to its centrality in the transnational regulation of education policies
António Teodoro, Director of CeiED – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development, Principal Investigator of the pisa_pt project
10.00 Project “A success story? Portugal and PISA (2000-2018)”: initial objectives, methodology, results
Presentation by Vítor Duarte Teodoro, with the research team
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Panel: critical overview
- Ana Benavente, Lusófona University and ICS-University of Lisbon, pisa_pt consultant
- Luís Miguel Carvalho, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon
- Gil Nata, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto
- Chair: Glória Ramalho
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Panel: PISA and its implications for public policy-making
- João Luiz Horta Neto, INEP – Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, Brazil
- Romuald Normand, Université de Strasbourg
- Elsa Estrela, Lusófona University, pisa_pt researcher
- Chair: Rosa Serradas Duarte
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Panel: thepossible futures of PISA and governance based on international large-scale assessments (ILSA)
- João Costa, NOVA FCSH, Deputy Minister for Education (XXI and XXII Governments)
- Camilla Addey, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Daniel Bart and Bertrand Daunay, Université de Lille
- Chair: Teresa Teixeira Lopo
18.00 Final words: PISA and the limitations and risks of an OECD global governance project
António Teodoro, Director of CeiED – Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development, Principal Investigator of the pisa_pt project
18.30 Closure
The Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED) will promote, throughout the year, a cycle of webinars (via Zoom), framed in the activities of the research project “A success story? Portugal and the PISA (2000-2015)”.
April 19
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 810 7167 1858, pass: 328440
António Teodoro (CeiED), Teresa Teixeira Lopo (CeiED) and Camilla Addey (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; to confirm) “Participation in PISA and political decision: the case of Portugal”
May 3
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 876 2753 8982,pass: 730220
Vítor Teodoro (CeiED) and Jonathan Osborne (Stanford-Graduate School of Education) “Testing PISA tests”
May 17
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 860 2149 2156, pass: 75909
Ana Carita (CeiED), Rosa Serradas Duarte (CeiED) and Maria Manuel Calvet Ricardo (CeiED) « Media agenda and the discourse of the stakeholders about the PISA» (webinar only in Portuguese)
May 31
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 810 8153 7705, pass: 840368
João Luiz Horta Neto (INEP – Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira) and Romuald Normand (Université de Strasbourg) “Readings on PISA: a comparative analysis Brazil – France”
June 16
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 896 7480 2231, pass: 887093
Elsa Estrela (CeiED) and Diana Sousa (Institute of Education, University College London) “PISA implications for official knowledge”
June 28
16h00-17h30 (CET)
Link, meeting ID: 838 9021 8581, pass: 851284
Ana Benavente (Former Secretary of State for Education in the XIII and XIV Constitutional Governments) and António Teodoro (CeiED) « PISA: a success story? Some conclusions and new research questions» (webinar only in Portuguese)
Organization and contacts: Teresa Teixeira Lopo, & Vítor Rosa,
On May 14 and 15, 2020, the Lusófona University, in Lisbon, hosts the International Congress “A success story?PISA, large-scale assessment and educational change”. The event, organized by CeiED – Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, is part of the activities of the research project funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CED-EDG /30084/2017).
The entire academic, educational, and potential interested community is invited to submit papers on one of the four thematic axes of the Congress, noting that the deadline for submission of a communication proposal and poster is March 31, 2020.
Theme and Thematic Axes
Major international studies, such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) or TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey), have become one of the main governance technologies in the fields of education and training, influencing policy makers, school managers and the media.
In line with the increase in the countries participating in these surveys, the number of organizations responsible for their operation, management and implementation has also grown and now includes an extensive network of public and private actors, including the OECD, IEA, SACMEQ, UNESCO, and the World Bank.
This dimension of global governance, in its role of international mediator of knowledge and articulated with the exercise of a particular type of regulation, has been questioned by a vast international critical literature. Within this general framework, the Congress proposes the analysis and discussion of the theme of the international large-scale assessments in its linkage to the educational change.
Proposals for participation in the Congress must be framed in one of the following themes:
- Big Science, Big Data and the International Surveys on Education
- The influence of the surveys (PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS) on teacher education, examinations and school practices
- Literacy, PISA and Education Policy Regulation
- Media agenda and stakeholder discourse on PISA
Important Dates
- Submission Communication/Poster by March 31
- Communication/Poster Notification* by April 15
- Registration first phase by April 30
- Second phase registration by May 13
- Third phase registrations **May 14-15
- Congress May 14-15
- Full text submission*** by May 31
* Authors with papers accepted by the Scientific Committee must register and pay in Congress by April 30.
** It is necessary to present the proof of payment of the registration in the Congress, in the place of accreditation of the event.
*** Full text submission is optional and should be sent after notification of acceptance of the communication proposal. The text to be submitted must conform to the available template. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to publish texts that do not conform to the standard and format defined.
There are two modalities of participation in the Congress: Communication and Poster. The submission of proposals, in any of the modalities, must be framed in one of the thematic axes of the Congress. Proposals may be submitted in one of the following working languages: Portuguese, English or Spanish.
- The abstract must be up to 2000 characters (no spaces included). Keywords up to 5.
- The submission of the full text to integrate the book of Minutes of the Congress, in digital format, is optional.
- The full text should only be sent to the Organizing Committee after the abstract has been approved by the Scientific Committee of the Congress.
- The full text should be sent in a Microsoft Word doc file using the template available here
- The texts can be written in one of the three languages of the Congress: Portuguese, English and Spanish.
The poster abstract must be up to 2000 characters (no spaces included). It should present the concise description of the work; the objectives, methodology, analysis and description of results; and final reflection.
The poster to be presented at the Congress must have the dimensions of 100x90cm. It may contain photos, graphics and text as long as viewing is not impaired. The poster must also comply with the following rules:
- Title in capital letters visible from 2 meters away;
- Name and institution of the authors, also highlighted and just below the title;
- Concise description of the work, always with letters, figures, tables, large enough to be read at a distance of at least 1 meter;
- Objective (s) of the work;
- Methodology, analysis and description of results;
- Final reflection / conclusion;
- Bibliographical references.
The poster must be delivered to the participants’ venue, no later than the first day of the event: May 14.
The submission of proposals, in both modalities of participation in the Congress, is done through the EasyChair platform.
If you are not already registered on this platform, you should start by registering. Only then you can send your communication proposal. Each participant may only be the author or co-author at a maximum of two accepted proposals.
Registration Fees
Participation without communication | By April 30 | By May 13 | May 14-15 |
Teachers, researchers and professionals | €70 | €80 | €100 |
Students* | €20 | €30 | €40 |
Participation with communication | |||
Teachers, researchers and professionals | €80 | €100 | €120 |
Students* | €30 | €40 | €50 |
*By sending proof of this status or photocopy of updated student card. PostDoc do not fall into this group.
Congress registration and payment should be done here (shortly).
Social Dinner
The social dinner will take place on May 14 and has a surcharge of €35 per person.
Payment of the social dinner must be made at the moment of registration.
Scientific Committee
- Ana Benavente, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Ana Carita, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Ana Sofia António, Lusófona University, Portugal
- António Teodoro, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Carla Galego, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Daniela Mascarenhas, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
- Elsa Estrela, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Glória Ramalho, Lusófona University, Portugal
- João Sampaio Maia, Lusófona University, Portugal
- João Horta Neto, Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, Brasil
- Maria Manuel Calvet Ricardo, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Rosa Serradas Duarte, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Vítor Duarte Teodoro, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Vítor Rosa, Lusófona University, Portugal
Organizing Committee
- Carla Galego, Lusófona University, Portugal (Coord.)
- Ana Lourdes Araújo, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Elsa Estrela, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Filipa Lourenço, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Lucas Pena, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Maria Manuel Calvet Ricardo, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Teresa Teixeira Lopo, Lusófona University, Portugal
- Vítor Rosa, Lusófona University, Portugal