Estrela, E. (2022). Curriculum as the fluid for unsureness times: In between the solid and the liquid. Paper accepted. ECER, Education in a Changing World: The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research, Yerevan State University, Yerevan. Abstract available here
Estrela, E., Lopo, T. T., & Teodoro, A. (2022). The evidence-based education policy movement and its effects on the curriculum policy in Portugal (2011-2019). Paper accepted ECER, Education in a Changing World: The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educational Research, Yerevan State University, Yerevan. Abstract available here
Galego, C., Canário, S., & Teodoro, A. (2019, September 3-6). PISA and literacy concept: Analyse of the centrality of literacy as the main operative concept in student assessment. Paper presented at the ECER 2019 Conference, Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future, University of Hamburg, Hamburg. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T. (2021, September 2-3). The role of Portuguese think tanks in shaping education policy. Paper presented at the ECER 2021 – Emerging Researchers’ Conference, Genève, Switzerland. Abstract availablehere
Lopo, T. T. (2022, 8 abril). PISA et “PISA pour le développement”: deux programmes, un même discours? ⌈PISA and “PISA for Development”: two programs, the same discourse?⌋. Paper presented at the Seminar The PISA Assessment: Questions, Issues and International Debates. University of Lille, Lille. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T., & Rosa, V. (2021, February 23-28). PISA as Big Science. Paper presented at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology, Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality, Porto Alegre. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2021, June 3 ). PISA, big data e industrialização da educação ⌈PISA, big data and industrialization of education⌉. Paper presented at the International Conference on Politics and History of Education: Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945-2018), University of La Laguna, Tenerife.
Rosa, V., & Lopo, T. T. (2021, May 25-27 ). The Portuguese participation in the international PISA survey: Discourses and practices of principals, coordinators and students. Paper presented at the International Conference Sociology of Education in Southern Europe: A Step Forward (SESE Conference), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Abstract available here
Rosa, V., Maia, J. S., & Mascarenhas, D. (2019, September 23-24). O contributo dos inquéritos internacionais na área da educação (PISA, TIMSS e PIRLS) para a formação dos docentes ⌈The contribution of international education surveys (PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS) to teacher education⌉. Paper presented at the International Congress Teacher Professionality, Lusófona University, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Rosa, V., Maia, J. S., & Mascarenhas, D. (2020, November 27). A participação de Portugal no inquérito internacional PIRLS (2011-2016) ⌈Portugal’s participation in the international PIRLS survey (2011-2016)⌋. Paper presented at the 3rd WCCES Symposium, Teachers, Teaching Profession, and comparative Education: Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom amidst Emerging Issues Related to COVID-19 ⌈Symposium⌋. Abstract available here
Teodoro, A. (2019, May 21-24). A success story? A research project about Portugal and the PISA (2000-2015). Paper presented at the XVII World Congress of Comparative Education, Riviera Maya, Cancun. Abstract available here
Teodoro, A. (2022, 15 março).The impact of neoliberal globalisation on education policy. Palestra na Laurea Magistrale in Wellness, Sport and Health, University of Bologna, Bologna. Abstract available here
Teodoro, A., Lopo, T. T., Teodoro, V., Carita, A., & Estrela, E. (2021, August 30 -September 2). A Success story? The PISA impacts on media discourse and public policies in Portugal (2000-2018). Paper presented at the Invited Symposium What contribution can PISA 2025 make to improving science education? at the ESERA Conference 2021 Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World, Braga, Portugal. Abstract available here
Araújo, A. L., & Borges, L. (2019, July 5). Uma história de sucesso? Portugal e o Pisa (2000-2015) ⌈A sucess story? Portugal and the PISA (2000-2015)⌋. Paper presented at the 9th CeiED’s Researchers Meeting, Research in Education: Plural Views in Co-Creation of Cognitive Justice, Lusófona University, Lisboa. Abstract availablehere
Estrela, E., Lopo, T. T., & Teodoro, A. (2019, June 13-14). O movimento da evidence-based education policy e as políticas curriculares em Portugal ⌈The evidence-based education policy movement and the curricular policies in Portugal⌉. Paper presented at the II International Seminar CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Educational Technologies, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Porto. Abstract available here
Lopo, T.T. (2019, May 30-31 – June 1). Os estudos de avaliação comparada sobre a educação cívica e a sua influência na decisão sobre políticas educativas ⌈The comparative assessment studies on civic education and their influence in decision-making on educational policies⌉. Paper presented at the International Congress Humanism, Human Rights and Global Citizenship, Lusófona University, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T. (2020, September 20-22). Think tanks portugueses e a sua influência na decisão política sobre educação⌈Portuguese thinks tanks and their influence on the political decision in education⌋ . Paper presented at the XV Congress of the SPCE: Freedom, Equality and Emancipation, Porto. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T. (2021, January 13). Avaliações internacionais de larga escala: Portugal à Procura de uma pertença global? ⌈International large scale assessments: Portugal in search of a global belonging? Paper presented at the 1st SPCE-SEC Webinar, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T. (2021, March 29-31). A favor e contra: Uma genealogia da decisão política sobre a entrada de Portugal no PISA (1995-2001) [For and against: A genealogy of the political decision on Portugal’s entry into PISA (1995-2001]. Paper presented at the XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology – Heated Identities: Differences, Belonging, and Populisms in an Effervescent World, Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Lopo, T. T., & Rosa, V. ( 2021, September 15-17). O PISA: Discursos e práticas dos diretores, coordenadores e alunos de escolas portuguesas ⌈PISA: Discourses and practices of the principals, coordinators and students of Portuguese schools⌉. Paper presented at the XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro & 3.º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Ciências Sociais e Humanas de Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra, Portugal. Abstract available here
Maia, J. S., Mascarenhas, D., & Rosa, V. (2022, April 26-29). TALIS 2018: Uma análise comparativa entre países europeus mediterrâneos ⌈TALIS 2018: A comparative analysis across European Mediterranean countries⌉. Paper presented at the INW22 – Conference – Intercultural Week, Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Mascarenhas, D., Rosa, V., & Maia, J. S. (2019, October 25-26). O contributo do PISA, do TIMSS e do PIRLS na educação: Balanços e perspetivas [The contribution of PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS for education: Overview and perspectives]. Paper presented at CIDInE Colloquiom Innovation in Education: Overview and future perspectives]. Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Porto, Porto. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2020, December 9-11). A participação portuguesa no inquérito internacional PIRLS (2011-2016) ⌈Portuguese participation in the international PIRLS survey (2011-2016)⌉. Paper presented at the IV International Congress on Education and Innovation – Towards Sustainable Education. Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra e Universidade de Granada.
Rosa, V. (2021, January 26-29). A participação de Portugal no PISA: Políticas, práticas e problemáticas ⌈Portugal’s participation in PISA: Policies, practices and issues⌉. Paper presented at the AFIRSE Portugal, Education and Life Ages 2021 Colloquium – Research Issues and Challenges in Contemporary Society. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2021, February 18-19). A participação portuguesa no International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) [Portuguese participation in the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)]. Paper presented at the 7th edition of the Conference of Information and Communication Technologies (ieTIC2021), Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid, School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, University of Salamanca, Open University of Portugal, Bragança. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2021, March 24-25). PISA: Avaliação em larga escala e mudança educativa ⌈PISA: Large-scale assessment and educational change⌉ . Paper presented at the IV International Conference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education “Students and Teachers”, Universidade de Évora.
Rosa, V. (2021, July 15-16). Reading literacy assessment in Portugal and Brazil. Paper presented at the International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2021), Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre.
Rosa, V. (2021, July 20-23 ). A participação de Portugal no International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) ⌈The participation of Portugal in the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)⌉. Paper presented at CIHELA 2021 XIV Congresso Iberoamericano de História da Educação. Revolução, Modernidade e Memória: Caminhos da História da Educação. Associação de História da Educação de Portugal — HISTEDUP. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2021, October 28-29). O PISA e a literacia financeira: Os resultados de Portugal [PISA and financial literacy: The results of Portugal]. Paper presented at the II International Congress Humanism, Human Rights and Citizenship, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2022). A participação de Portugal no PISA: Políticas, práticas e problemáticas [Portugal’s participation in PISA: Policies, practices and problems]. In C. Cavaco, F. Costa, J. Marques, J. Viana, R. Marreiros, & A. R. Faria (Eds.). (2022). Educação e idades da vida – Problemáticas de investigação e desafios na sociedade contemporânea. Atas do XXVIII colóquio da AFIRSE Portugal (pp. 603-612). AFIRSE Portugal e Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Rosa, V. (2022, February 9-11). International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS): Avaliação do conhecimento de tecnologia da informação e comunicação de alunos e professores [Evaluation of information technology knowledge and communication of students and teachers]. Paper presented at the 29th Colloquium of AFIRSE Portugal – A Educação e os Desafios da Sociedade Contemporânea – Contributos da Investigação, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa.
Rosa, V. (2022). O PISA e a literacia financeira ⌈PISA and financial literacy⌋. In J. Serrão, M. N. Gonçalves, H. Bracons, J. V. Brás, & A. Cabral (Eds.), Ebook do II Congresso Internacional de Humanismo, Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (pp. 160-170). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.
Rosa, V. (2022, accepted). O PIRLS e a performance de leitura ⌈PIRLS and reading performance⌉. Paper submitted to the IV International Colloquium on Social Sciences of Education – Education as a public good: Policies, Trends and Controversies, May 12-14, 2022,Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, Braga.
Rosa, V. (2022, submitted ). O estudo internacional TIMSS e a participação de Portugal ⌈The TIMSS international study and the participation of Portugal⌉. Paper submitted to the XVI Congress of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences, September 15-17, 2022, Lisboa.
Rosa, V., & Lopo, T. T. (2020, September 20-22). PISA, Big Science e o trabalho científico sobre educação em Portugal ⌈PISA, Big Science and the scientific work in education in Portugal⌋. Paper presented at the XV Congress of the SPCE: Freedom, Equality and Emancipation, Porto. Abstract available here
Rosa, V., & Lopo, T. T. (2021, March 29-31). Os discursos e as práticas dos diretores, coordenadores e alunos das escolas portuguesas no âmbito da participação no inquérito internacional PISA [The discourses and practices of the principals, coordinators and students of Portuguese schools that participated in PISA]. Paper presented at the XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology – Heated Identities: Differences, Belonging, and Populisms in an Effervescent World, Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa. Abstract available here
Rosa, V., & Lopo, T. T. (2021). A OCDE e a educação. O PISA e a sua transformação num projeto de “Big Science” ⌈OECD and education. PISA and its transformation into a “Big Science” project⌉. In L. G. Correia, & T. Neves (Eds.), Liberdade, equidade e emancipação. Atas do XV congresso da SPCE (pp. 464-472). SPCE – Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação. Abstract available here